And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. 

-Ephesians 4:11-13

Pastor Gregory Nick 

Pastor Nick grew up in Anne Arundel, Maryland, where he began to sense God’s call on his life.  His desire to reach all who are distant from God grew as Pastor Nick studied Sociology at the University of Maryland at College Park. After serving as Associate Minister at Shiloh Baptist Church New Site in Fredericksburg, VA, Pastor Nick became Senior Pastor at Shiloh Baptist Church in Port Royal, VA.  He has served the members of Shiloh Baptist Church in Port Royal for over 20 years.

Pastor Nick is a gifted communicator who has a heart for God’s people.  It is his desire to reach people from all backgrounds and strengthen members’ relationships with Christ through effective preaching and teaching.  Each week he brings a challenging message that will inspire and engage you to seek a closer relationship with God.

Pastor Nick and his wife Diana reside in the Fredericksburg area where they enjoy spending with their daughters, son-in-law, grandsons, and grand dog.

Associate Pastor Joseph Dobbins

As a lifetime resident of Rappahanock Academy in Caroline County, Associate Pastor Dobbins has a heart for the local community.

Associate Pastor Dobbins was called to the Ministry in February of 1991, licensed to preach the Gospel in October of 1993, and ordained into the Gospel Ministry in October of 2004.  He holds an Associate’s Degree in Theology, Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Master of Arts in Theology, and Doctorate of Arts in Theology.

Associate Pastor Dobbins is the oldest son of the late Joseph and Ida Mae Dobbins.  He is a loyal husband, dedicated father, and loving grandfather and great-grandfather.

Contact Associate Pastor Dobbins for more information concerning the Christian Education Ministry.

Ministers John and Gloria Garner

Ministers John and Gloria Garner are born again baptized believers, filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit.  They minister to and fellowship with the saints of Shiloh Baptist Church under the teaching and leadership of Senior Pastor Gregory Nick. 

Ministers John and Gloria Garner desire to motivate those seeking Christ and help those with a desire to strengthen their relationship with Christ.  Long-time members of the local community, this dynamic couple accepted their calling to  draw people closer to Christ through preaching and teaching.

Minister Gloria Garner's favorite scripture is Psalm 34:1-3 and 8.  Contact Minister Gloria Garner for more information concerning the Faith Alive Women's Ministry.  


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