God Cares and Shiloh Cares

God Cares and Shiloh Cares

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, we want to ensure that none of our members or neighbors go without food. We are committed to doing ministry the way Jesus did. Reach out to us at admin@sbcportroyal.org, if you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurity, which is, not knowing where their next meal is coming from, or is involuntarily eating less than they need, on a regular basis. Please provide us your name, contact information and note food needs. Note: All submissions are confidential.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 29 April 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 29 April 2020

This week’s lesson is entitled, “The Keys to Good Communication.” During this season of social distancing, we spending more time with family, talking to friends on the phone, and communicating via various messaging applications. How we listen to others, what we say (and sometimes don’t say), and how we speak can either strengthen or damage our relationships.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study - 22 April 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study - 22 April 2020

Today we are discussing how we can, “Build a closer relationship with God.” David was inspired by God's omnipresence (He is everywhere present) and His omniscience (He is all-knowing and all-wise). When people are not close to God, they like to think it—whatever "it" may be—is God's fault. Not true. People forget about God, but God never forgets about us. He is always available to you if you "seek Him with all your heart" (Deuteronomy 4:29).

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Resurrection Sunday Message

Today we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus reminds us that God makes all things new. He has given us the same resurrection power to live free from sin and death. Let's take a moment to put aside the Easter bunny, egg hunts, and baskets filled with goodies and remember the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus and his resurrection from the grave.  

We hope today’s message will bring you renewed hope and faith this Resurrection Day. Take time to meet with God today and speak these prayers of thanks to Him for the victory of Jesus and the victory we have over sin. All are invited to join Shiloh, as we observe this day with great humility and reverence.

Stay Connected This Palm Sunday - A Note From Pastor

Good morning, Shiloh.

I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow via our podcast, Rooted. As we approach the Holiest of Weeks. I want us to be connected as a church despite social distancing.

In addition to listening to the Podcast, gather your family and recite the below prayer together tomorrow at 10am to celebrate Palm Sunday. If you participate, our church family will recite the prayer together. Then take the time to tell God and share with your family one thing you are thankful for this Palm Sunday.

Lord Jesus Christ,
On this day of great rejoicing.
When we welcome You as our King and Savior,
We walk in the shadow of Your cross.
Hosanna! We cry.
Blessed are You who came In God’s name to save us.
Strengthen our faith on this Palm Sunday,
So that when the time comes to carry the cross,
We might still call out to You with heartfelt praise.
Give us the grace and courage to follow You this Holy Week.
From death to resurrection and
From darkness to the fullness of light.
We need You,
Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.

We may be apart physically, but not separated. We are united as the body of Christ. Remember Shiloh, we are the Church.
Pastor Nick