Rooted Podcast: Episode 76 - Are You Anchored In the Lord? (Previously Recorded)

Due to anticipate inclement weather, Shiloh Port Royal will not meet in person. Please join us online for a previously recorded message.

Our topic this morning is, “ Are You Anchored in the Lord” (Acts 27:29). Most people bring themselves into trouble, because they do not know when they are well off; they come to harm and loss by aiming to mend their condition, often against advice. Observe the solemn profession Paul made of relation to God. No storms or tempests can hinder God's favor to his people, for he is a Help always at hand. It is a comfort to the faithful servants of God when in difficulties, that as long as the Lord has any work for them to do, their lives shall be prolonged. Grab you Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scripture.