Rooted VLOG: Episode 52- "I'm Back"

This morning, There is no doubt that cabin fever has set in, as the prospect of birds singing, trees blooming, vaccine being administered, fresh air from God, the the resilient people of the God are ready to bounce back from the bottom. “Spring is in the air”, This is always said with a twinkle in the eyes, a twinkle of hope.

We can’t help but see a faint shadow of resurrection hope in our sure hope for the arrival of spring. The reason that Christians get so excited about Easter is because we need to be reminded that although we live in brokenness now, resurrection is coming. The reason we can be resolute in our faith when life is hard is because of the resurrection of Jesus.

Sometimes even Christians forget how crucial the resurrection is to our faith. We need Easter to remind us that the resurrection is promised, and it matters. The Apostle Paul explained this in the Bible, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14). He says if the resurrection is not true, let’s pack it up. Let’s close our church doors. But then six verses later he exclaims, “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead…”

Doesn’t matter how far you’ve been down, are down or going down, Jesus can bring you from the bottom to the top. Our Message this morning is “I’m Back. ” If you’re down, let Jesus bring you back. It’s time to resurrect somethings…

Join me in the scriptures the Gospel according to Matthew 26:69-75.