A Note From Pastor Nick Concerning The Escalating Tensions Unfolding Around Us

Good evening Shiloh,

I am deeply saddened by the escalating tensions unfolding all around us. I know my concern and sorrow are a small fraction of what all people of color across the nation are experiencing. While my thoughts and comments are focused on people of color, this is about systemic racism, discrimination and injustice. It should go without saying - discrimination and injustice have no place in our community and will not be tolerated.

The loss of George Floyd, Christian Cooper, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and many others is simply unthinkable. The depths of injustice and tragedy which occurred in every one of these situations is reprehensible, as is the cumulative impact of the bias, racism and the disregard for the value of these lives.

I firmly believe that the civil unrest we are witnessing is indicative of larger cultural and spiritual pandemic. It is time for prayer, for hearts to change, for us all to work together.

In the coming days and weeks, you will hear about actions that we as a church family plan to take in order to drive positive change in our community and address inequity. I have already engaged with other local church leaders to chart a path forward. I hope to leverage our community support to challenge systemic impediments and connect with local civic leaders and public servants.

As I expressed in the podcast, public statements of outrage and condemnation are important, but wholly ineffectual if not accompanied by our commitment to meaningful, sustained action. I invite you to join me in this mission by:

  1. ‘Living’ our values and beliefs daily through our interactions with each other and prayer for the unification of our nation as well as those in authority. We pray they receive Godly wisdom and discernment as they lead;

  2. Speaking out and taking action (to include use of your time, talent, or financial resources) against bias and racism whenever and wherever it is identified;

  3. Continuing to express care and empathy for each other and communities disproportionately impacted; and

  4. Connecting with your family – Especially, young people who are concerned with recent events. Listen to their concerns and serve as a sounding boarding for their ideas.  Initiate a social action plan for your family.

As your Pastor, I pray that God heal our land and continue to protect each of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me or fill out a contact card on our website with concerns or ideas.

Pastor Gregory Nick