Shiloh Port Royal COVID-19 Update and Reintegration Plan

This presentation aims to update you on the status of our church services as we adapt to the effects of COVID-19 and provide you insight concerning our reintegration plan. During this presentation we will discuss:

  1. SBC Port Royal’s COVID-19 Response Since March

    1. Actions To Date

    2. Feedback So Far

    3. Factors Influencing Our Current Strategy

  2. SBC Port Royal’s Reintegration Plan

    1. Our Priorities

    2. Influencing Factors

    3. Reintegration Phases

      1. SBC Church Leadership has NOT provided a timeline for reintegration (or return to church). As of 17 July 2020, SBC will remain in Phase 1. Continue to monitor our website for updates.

    4. The Way Forward

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