A Call To Prayer in the Face of Civil Unrest - Wednesday Night Bible Study is Cancelled

Church Family,

As the nation reels from the national emergency that our county is facing, we are canceling bible study tonight. This is not a night off but a call to action. We ask you to wage war in the spiritual against divisive rhetoric and violence.

May we dedicate ourselves prayerfully and actively to banishing violence from heart of America and build nonviolent communities that care for our common home. We know that nothing is impossible if we turn to God in prayer.

God of peace,

As hate builds on hate and violence follows violence,

it is so easy to find ourselves weary or numb.

God of Love,

Where can we turn but to you? Who, but you, can save us from ourselves?

Who, but you, can revive our spirits and all us with hope?

Do not delay, God!

Break through our walls of hate

and injustice and violence.

Help our nation change our hearts and quiet our minds.

Help our nation set a course of justice, not retribution, compassion,

not intolerance, solidarity, not division,

and hope instead of despair.

Help us work for peace

in our families and our neighborhoods,

our country and our world.

Fill us with courage and compassion so that

we may be signs to the world that there is another way—

your way of peace and mercy and love.

O God,

Your Son, who gave his life for us, commanded us to love one another

and prayed to you that we all would be one.

You are our hope, and our peace, and our Life.
