Wednesday Night Bible Study Using Zoom - Class Starts November 4th

Wednesday Night Bible Study Using Zoom - Class Starts November 4th

Using the Bible and works by Christian authors, we will share and encourage one another in our walk with Christ. Virtual Wednesday NIght BIble Study is designed to build your knowledge of the Bible and further develop your skills in studying the Bible. Fill out the form to receive Zoom meeting information. Please note: Wednesday Night Bible Study resources will continue to be available weekly on the website.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 30 - God Meant It For Your Good

Rooted Podcast: Episode 30 - God Meant It For Your Good

Lately, you may find yourself reflecting on the providence of God. So, what is providence? Providence is the means by which God directs all things — both animate and inanimate, seen and unseen, good and evil — toward a worthy purpose, which means His will must finally prevail. As the psalmist said, "His kingdom ruleth over all" (Psalm 103:19). In Ephesians 1:11 Paul tells us that God "worketh all things after the counsel of his own will." Join us in Genesis 50:15-20. The sermon topic today is, “God Meant It For Your Good.” Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 29 - Still I Press

Rooted Podcast: Episode 29 - Still I Press

There are times in our lives where we may feel broken or sorrowful. In today’s text, as a result of David’s feelings of brokeness he wrote a sorrowful song. Listen to uncover how we can apply this Scripture to our brokenness today and rest in the assurance of God’s Eternal Protection.Join us in Psalm 61:1-4 . The sermon topic today is, “Still I Press.”

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 26 - Staying Connected In A Disconnected World

Rooted Podcast: Episode 26 - Staying Connected In A Disconnected World

For our collective health and well-being, we must adhere to the requirements of social distancing. Physical distance, however, does not mean we need to remain socially disconnected or isolated. In fact, individuals, families, and communities can maintain the one thing we all need right now…social connection!

Join us in the Scriptures John 15:1-5 . The sermon topic today is, “Staying connected in a disconnected world.” Grab your Bible and notepad.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 16 September 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 16 September 2020

Whether you are out of work, having health problems or wondering how you're going to make it through family or financial problems, it's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. What does the Bible say about how to deal with discouragement and deeper negative feelings of depression?

The Bible shows that humanity has suffered from discouragement and depression since the beginning. Depression can affect all people, small and great.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 25 - This Same Jesus

Rooted Podcast: Episode 25 - This Same Jesus

Join us this morning as Reverend Dr. Joseph N. Dobbin leads us in the study of the ascension of Jesus. He will address the last work of Jesus before His ascension to heaven. More specifically we will examine how Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, instructed the apostles regarding what to do in His absence and established the fact of His resurrection with many infallible proofs during the forty days after his resurrection but before His ascension.

Scripture References: John 19:30; John 16:7; Luke 19:10; Acts 1:3; John 14:2-3; Luke 9:29; 2 Corinthians 1:20; and Zechariah 14:4

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 25 - This Same Jesus

Rooted Podcast: Episode 25 - This Same Jesus

Join us this morning as Reverend Dr. Joseph N. Dobbin leads us in the study of the ascension of Jesus. He will address the last work of Jesus before His ascension to heaven. More specifically we will examine how Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, instructed the apostles regarding what to do in His absence and established the fact of His resurrection with many infallible proofs during the forty days after his resurrection but before His ascension.

Scripture References: John 19:30; John 16:7; Luke 19:10; Acts 1:3; John 14:2-3; Luke 9:29; 2 Corinthians 1:20; and Zechariah 14:4

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 23- What If?

Rooted Podcast: Episode 23- What If?

At one time or another, everyone reflects on their life and wonders why they are where they are and how things might have been different. What if I had married someone else? What if I had taken another job? What if?

The problem with the, “what-if’s” are that it is too late to do anything about them. You see “what-ifs” applied to the past change nothing. However, when applied to the present and the future, they can change everything!

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