Rooted Podcast: Episode 21 - A Strong Rope

Rooted Podcast: Episode 21 - A Strong Rope

Faith, hope, and love have long been celebrated in the Christian Faith. These three theological virtues represent values that define humankind's relationship with God himself. Join us today as we explore how faith, hope, and love result in a “strong rope” that you can rely upon in the toughest of times. Join us as we explore 1 Corinthians 13:13. Our sermon topic today is, “A strong rope.”

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 12 August 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 12 August 2020

Today many people are "looking out for number one"—themselves! While looking out for themselves, it seems they don't really care if they get along with others, only if they get what they want.

Of course, most of us do care, but mix-ups and mistakes seem to invade our relationships too often. Let's see what practical and helpful advice the Bible gives about getting along with others.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 20 - Lord, Do It.

Rooted Podcast: Episode 20 - Lord, Do It.

re you still hoping we’ll wake up?

Are you still hoping we’ll open a sleepy eye and think, “Wow. What a hor­rible dream...”?

But what we see daily is not a dream…

We, the follower’s of Christ, know what God can do.

We’ve studied the Bible and noted accounts of His power.

We’ve pondered the stories and now we plead, “Do it again, Lord. Do it again.”

Join us in the 2 Kings 6:1-7. Don’t forget your Bible and notepad.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 18 - Recovering Your Cutting Edge

Rooted Podcast: Episode 18 - Recovering Your Cutting Edge

Spiritual stagnancy is something many of us experience in life. These seasons of stagnancy can lead us to feel disconnected and frustrated. It is often in these seasons that emotions don’t propel us to walk closer with God. Does your faith feels like an abstract concept? Do you feel overwhelmed by the storms of life? Perhaps you are feeling apathetic overall…Well, today we will discuss, “How to recover the cutting edge .”

Join me us in 2 Kings 6:1-7.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 17 - Raise Your Expectations

Rooted Podcast: Episode 17 - Raise Your Expectations

We often think ORDINARY, while God thinks EXTRAORDINARY. We ask for the possible when God wants to do the impossible. How much are you missing out on by ‘thinking’ and ‘acting’ in your own power? How many opportunities have you missed? How many relationships have you allowed to stagnate? How much have you separated yourself from the will of God? We have to train ourselves to think of God in the busyness of life –Perhaps even more so, we need to train ourselves to think like God. Our sermon topic today is entitled “Raising your expectations.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 15 - What Am I To Do?

Rooted Podcast: Episode 15 - What Am I To Do?

It has been said that Job lost everything during his time of affliction. It is true that he lost his family, his finances, his fitness and his friends, yet through it all, he never lost his faith or his relationship with the Lord. Perhaps on a personal level you’ve recently celebrated or are anticipating celebrating a milestone birthday like our nation and you’re asking God, “What am I to do?” Join us in Job 1:20-22 where God provides the answer.

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