Wednesday Night Bible Study - 17 June 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study - 17 June 2020

While discussing the times of trouble leading up to His return, Jesus Christ told His followers, "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36). The above shows there are two areas we are to watch and pray about: the conditions in the world and our personal spiritual condition.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 27 May 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 27 May 2020

Social Distancing and Loneliness: The Bible has practical solutions for the problems we face in our lives. God wants us all to have underlying joy and fulfillment even when we are experiencing sadness and loneliness! That's difficult when you feel alone and it seems that no one cares.

First of all, please don't feel you are weak or weird because you feel lonely. There's no need to feel ashamed of your loneliness. In fact, if you find one or two friends to talk with about it, you will probably find that they feel lonely also (or have at one time or another), and you can encourage each other. Also remember that God wants to be your best friend—He wants you to talk with Him about everything. And as your relationship with God becomes stronger and more intimate, you will feel less loneliness.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 20 May 2020: Where Does Suffering Come From?

Wednesday Night Bible Study 20 May 2020: Where Does Suffering Come From?

We all have stories of suffering, and they come in many different
types. There are sudden accidents. There are lifelong disabilities. There are
chronic illnesses, emotional losses, financial disasters—sorrow, pain and
suffering of all kinds. Whether we're innocent victims or we bear partial
responsibility, we still naturally wonder why. To begin to explore this big
subject, let's start with the foundational background from God's Word, the

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