Wednesday Night Bible Study 15 December 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 15 December 2020

Most Christians have forgotten that the Christian life is not a playground, but a battlefield. As a result, very few of the Lord's people are armed, equipped and ready to wage spiritual battle. Whether we ever believe it or not, we are engaged in spiritual warfare. If we are to be successful in our work for the Lord Jesus, then we must be prepared for that battle and be ready to go to war.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 02 December 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 02 December 2020

Whether you're out of work, having health problems or wondering how you're going to make it through family or financial problems, it's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. Sometimes the weight of everyday cares and disappointments and the nagging feeling of hopelessness and lack of fulfillment can trigger the blues and even depression. What does the Bible say about how to deal with discouragement and deeper negative feelings of depression?

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 36 - How Does Salvation Work?

Rooted Podcast: Episode 36 - How Does Salvation Work?

Join us in Acts 2:36-42. The sermon topic today is, “How Salvation Works.” We spend our lives asking ourselves all kinds of questions. One of the questions man asks himself is: How can I make a lot of money? When he has made his money, he will often ask: How can I make myself more beautiful or handsome and desirable? The next question is: How can I be sure that I will live long enough to enjoy my money and my popularity? The final question man asks is: What kind of legacy can I leave behind that will ensure that people will remember me after I am gone? However, none of these questions address what is most important in life? The most important question you should ask yourself is, How Does Salvation Work?

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 25 November 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 25 November 2020

Whether you're out of work, having health problems or wondering how you're going to make it through family or financial problems, it's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. Sometimes the weight of everyday cares and disappointments and the nagging feeling of hopelessness and lack of fulfillment can trigger the blues and even depression. What does the Bible say about how to deal with discouragement and deeper negative feelings of depression?

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 35 - Are You Anchored In the Lord?

Rooted Podcast: Episode 35 - Are You Anchored In the Lord?

Our topic this morning is, “ Are You Anchored in the Lord” (Acts 27:29). Most people bring themselves into trouble, because they do not know when they are well off; they come to harm and loss by aiming to mend their condition, often against advice. Observe the solemn profession Paul made of relation to God. No storms or tempests can hinder God's favour to his people, for he is a Help always at hand. It is a comfort to the faithful servants of God when in difficulties, that as long as the Lord has any work for them to do, their lives shall be prolonged. Grab you Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scripture.

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 11 November 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 11 November 2020

Whether you're out of work, having health problems or wondering how you're going to make it through family or financial problems, it's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. Sometimes the weight of everyday cares and disappointments and the nagging feeling of hopelessness and lack of fulfillment can trigger the blues and even depression. What does the Bible say about how to deal with discouragement and deeper negative feelings of depression?

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 28 October 2020

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28 October 2020

Are you a worrier? What do you worry about? Do you worry that you won't be able to pay your bills? Do you worry about your children when they're out of your sight? Worry is to be uneasy in the mind, to feel anxiety about something, to fret. Interestingly, it comes from an Old English word that means "to strangle."

God instructs us not to worry, and Scripture overwhelms us with reasons for not being anxious. Let's look at an interesting incident in the Old Testament that gives us a powerful defense against worry.

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