Virtual NYE Communion Service @ 7PM - Live!

During this pandemic, we were introduced to the life-giving possibilities of virtual connectedness. At a time when physical contact is so limited, communing together virtually with our faith communities can affirm that Christ comes to us in the gifts of bread and wine even when our pastor is setting and inviting us to the table is mediated by a screen.

We will begin serving communion tomorrow bearing in mind the following:

The Lord's Supper is "a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming." Although communion is a symbolic, it is a deeply meaningful act in the Baptist Church.

To partake, you must confess your faith. For more information about what we believe visit our website.

Sharing in the Lord's Supper is reserved for sinners who have been born again and are pursuing a life of repentance." We believe that while all are sinners in need of Christ's saving grace, it is inappropriate for unrepentant sinners to share in communion. If a person persists in publicly known, unrepentant sin, that person may not eat the Lord's Supper.

We require participants be a church member prior to partaking in communion. We do so to stress the importance of church membership and protect the sanctity of the symbolic act.

You will find what, “We believe,” and the church covenant posted on our website. I ask you review both sections if you wish to join us in communion.

All members were sent the elements via mail in preparation for the service.