Rooted Podcast: Episode 61 - Let It Begin In Me

Rooted Podcast: Episode 61 - Let It Begin In Me

NEW PODCAST: Churches are returning to in-person service, however people have filled in Sunday morning with their new rituals (#SundayFunday). However, we should seek for God to move sovereignly and be a spiritually prepared people. Our message is taken from the Old Testament book of Isaiah chapter 40: 3-5. Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 59 - What's Your Problem

Rooted Podcast: Episode 59 - What's Your Problem

NEW PODCAST: There isn’t a man who does not have any problems. The only difference is that your problem differs in dimension and magnitude from your neighbor. Whether you are young or old, poor or rich, male or female, black or white, single or married, working or retired…You have like been faced with a problem. As you listen to this message, think of the problem or problem which have stuck with you despite all your efforts to resolve them.

The sermon topic today is, “What’s your problem?” Our sermon text is Genesis 21:14-21. Don’t forget your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures!

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 54- "When Jesus Is In The Room"

Rooted Podcast: Episode  54- "When Jesus Is In The Room"

NEW Podcast: Things move quickly in the opening chapters of Mark’s account of Jesus. In the Scripture he is sought-after — a Superstar, really…However. if Mark’s Jesus generates healing and new life, he generates in equal measure conflict and opposition. What’s all the fuss about? What could be upsetting or dangerous about somebody healing people? What happens when Jesus is in the room?

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Holy Week: Saturday in the Tomb with Minister Eric Davis

Holy Week: Saturday in the Tomb with Minister Eric Davis

During this episode we will learn more about, “Saturday in the Tomb.” Envision Jesus' body as lay it is laid in the tomb, where it was guarded by Roman soldiers throughout the day on Saturday, which was the Sabbath. When the Sabbath ended at 6 p.m., Christ's body was ceremonially treated for burial with spices purchased by Nicodemus. Join Minister Eric Davis for this study!

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Holy Week: Good Friday with Minister Gloria Garner

Holy Week: Good Friday with Minister Gloria Garner

During this episode we will learn more about, Good Friday. As you know, Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend Good Friday in fasting, prayer, repentance, and meditation on the agony and suffering of Christ. Join Minister Gloria Garner in this study!

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Wednesday Night Bible Study 24 March 2021

Wednesday Night Bible Study 24 March 2021

In this last section of Romans 12: 1-2, Paul's focus shifts to some very practical matters. Paul will discuss many aspects of everyday living in this world. The idea here is of total surrender to God. A living sacrifice means that we are to be on the altar, wherever we are. The sad truth of the matter is this: we are either pleasing God or hurting Him by the way we use our bodies.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 51- "Let God Work It Out"

Rooted Podcast: Episode  51- "Let God Work It Out"

NEW Podcast: Join us as we study how Job looked above instruments, and keeps his eye upon the First Cause. As Christians, afflictions must not divert us from, but quicken us to religion. If in all our troubles we look to the Lord, He will support us. The Lord is righteous. All we have is from his gift; we have forfeited it by sin, and ought not to complain if he takes any part from us. Against these Job carefully watched; and so must we. This morning we will study Job 1-20-22.The sermon topic today is, “Let God Work It Out." Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 50- "He Is Worthy"

Rooted Podcast: Episode  50- "He Is Worthy"

NEW Podcast: We praise the Lord because of his steadfast love toward us. We praise the Lord because of his faithfulness that endures forever. God is worthy! If it is our delight to praise the Lord while we live, we shall certainly praise him to all eternity. This morning we will study Psalm 146:1-10. The sermon topic today is, “He is worthy." Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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