Rooted VLOG: Episode 49- "Matchless"

Rooted VLOG: Episode 49- "Matchless"

NEW VLOG: Today we will discuss how the disciples received newfound understanding of the power and glory of their Lord and Master. His power definitely impresses them, but His faithfulness, peace, and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit are what truly awed them. This miracle brings them in reverence, wonder, and godly fear before Him. Christ shows that the power of the earthly elements is dwarfed by the mighty word of the Lord, and it stirs them deeply. This morning we will study Mark 4:39-41. The sermon topic today is, “Matchless.” Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted VLOG: Episode 48- "The Blood Still Works"

Rooted VLOG: Episode 48- "The Blood Still Works"

NEW VLOG: Today we will discuss how atonement is God's gift to man and atonement for sin is in the blood alone. Life is God's gift to man and life is in the blood. Atonement for sin is found in nothing but the spilt blood of the correct sacrifice - as commanded by God, who is the Giver of ALL life. Just as blood is required to maintain the life of mortal man so the Holy Spirit is required to maintain the life of the one who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ. This morning we will study Leviticus11:17. The sermon topic today is, “The Blood Still Works.” Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted VLOG: Episode 47- "I'm Still Standing"

NEW VLOG: Today we will discuss the wise and foolish builder. Any architect knows that a solid foundation is essential to any building. Once the foundation is laid, supports are put in, permitting the rest of the structure to be built. Is your spiritual foundation built on solid ground? Are you still standing despite tests? This morning we will study Matthew 7:24-27. The sermon topic today is, “I’m still standing.” Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted VLOG: Episode 46 - "Plug In"

Rooted VLOG: Episode 46 - "Plug In"

NEW VLOG: Have you submitted to the Holy Spirit? Are you fit for the flow of His power? At times our spiritual channels become so clogged with fear and doubt and worldliness that what we allow through is a barely visible trickle of obedience. God’s power is a waterfall and will flow torrentially if you obey His Spirit. This morning we will study Acts 4:31-33. The sermon topic today is, “Plug In.” Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Rooted Podcast: Episode 43 - "The Invitation To Come Home

Rooted Podcast: Episode 43 - "The Invitation To Come Home

The Bible is filled with invitations. The first one is found in Gen. 7:1. In that Scripture, God invited Noah and his family to come into the Ark for salvation from the flood. The last invitation is found in Rev. 22:20. In this verse John invites God to come quickly. Join us in the Old Testament Hosea 6:1-2. The sermon topic today is, “ The invitation to come home.” Grab your Bible and notepad. We will meet you in the Scriptures.

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Virtual NYE Communion Service @ 7PM - Live!

Virtual NYE Communion Service @ 7PM - Live!

During this pandemic, we were introduced to the life-giving possibilities of virtual connectedness. At a time when physical contact is so limited, communing together virtually with our faith communities can affirm that Christ comes to us in the gifts of bread and wine even when our pastor is setting and inviting us to the table is mediated by a screen.

We will serve communion tomorrow at 7pm as a part of our NYE Service.

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Rooted VLOG: Episode 40 - "Let Down Your Nets"

Rooted VLOG: Episode 40 - "Let Down Your Nets"

In our lesson this morning we will study how Simon Peter sailed up and down the shores of Galilee casting outhis nets and puled them back in empty. Maybe 2020, you’ve had some similar “long nights.” Regardless of what man has planned for you in 2021, place Jesus in your boat and you can’t lose. Follow me this morning, as we explore the topinc of “Letting down our nets.” Join us in as we study Luke 5: 1-6. Don’t forget your Bible and notepad!

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